Flex Manager
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Marketing Director

Marketing Director

Work Experience

last 10 years:

Vienna,Virg., USA / London / Köln
Vice President International Marketing
* Report to the CMO later COO,
* All countries outside NA
* Own entire Marketing Budget
* Full personal responsibility
* Build, streamline and fully integrate Marketing / Business Development expertise outside NA
* Prime focus: integrate Product Management, Marketing and Business Development functions across all international regions / ensure full integration into local country organizations
* Make „International“ a vital component of „Corporate Strategies“
* Leverage expertise / Best Practise by integrating CRM, BI and e-business products and initiatives
* Ensure cost-effectiveness
* Balance global strategy vs local market needs / culture
* Establish indirect sales / marketing culture
* Objectives 2000 / 2001:
brand awareness / recognition
lead generation / qualification
establish name within eCRM / eBusiness
core business focus on BI
Result: 43 professionals working in 14 countries, Business Partners ( PWC, Mummert &Partner, IBM, NCR,..) confirm value add via indirect sales focus,
International contribution grew by 14%, Direct Marketing / Business Development increased number of leads generated, qualified + turned into Projects by 64%.

ASPECT Communications, 1996 - 1999
London / Düsseldorf
Director International Marketing, 97/99,
Director Intern. Product Marketing, 96/97
* Report to the EVP Channels/Services
* Build a global Marketing Organization
* EMEA, Asia, South America
* Identify, develop, execute product strategies
* Streamline processes
* Develop „corporate“ marketing functions / expertise within international regions tailored to country specific needs
* Influence corporate product development concerning local market-/product requirements
* Establish international partner strategy
* Gain substantial market-share
* Develop / implement a transition plan with regional MDs to establish Aspect as leader within Portal segment of CRM market
Result: Successful integrated teams (24 Marketing / Product Managers and Specialists) in all international Regions, Product strategy implemented - led to market share growth of 18%.

GRAU Storage Systems, 1995 - 1996
Kelkheim, Germany
Director Marketing EMEA
ß Report to the President
ß Build Marketing Team EMEA
ß Focus: Solution Sales
ß Start VAR program
ß Develop Strategic Alliances program
ß PR in major European countries
Result: Team established,
Concepts successfully launched,
Alliances signed: HP, SNI, Bull,…

Symantec Central Europe, 1990 - 1995
Düsseldorf, Germany
Marketing Manager, 90–92
ß Report to the MD Central Europe
ß Product Management of all product groups MarCom, Press, Analyst Relations
ß Develop CI/CD
ß Establish brand
ß Marketing-Mix for Central Europe
Result: Brand names established, Products became leaders in their categories,
7 product awards, EFFI for best sales oriented campaign.

Marketing/Sales Manager 92-93
ß Report to the Director Europe
ß Extended responsibility for sales
ß Create corporate sales strategy
ß Build „Direct Sales“ team
ß Develop distribution strategy
Result: Implemented new distribution contracts,
Revenue increase: direct 120%, indirect 148%
Became interim MD.

Director Sales, CE, 94/95
\"New Business Development\"
ß Report to the VP Sales EMEA,
ß Build new channel to market
Result: SCC (Symantec Competence Centre) successfully established,
VAR concept for network products
and Consumer Line well accepted,
European Up-Grade Centres established,
Up-Date revenue tripled.


High School Certificate 1973
Realgymnasium, Peckelsheim, Germany

Diploma, General Trade / Economics 1975 HH, (Senior College of Commerce), Warburg, Germany

Diploma, Publishing / Book Trade 1978 BFS (German Book Trade and Publishing College), Bielefeld

Diploma, Commercial Education 1980 IHK College, Paderborn

Further Studies:

English Language Studies for Academic Purpose 1983
History, Politics and Economics (HSC)
Caulfield College, Melbourne, Australia

Information Science / Librarianship 1984 - 1985
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia


IT related Knowledge/Skills:
MS Office
Project Management
Knowledge Management
Data Base/Business Intelligence
Telco Products and Markets
CRM Strategies, Products, Markets

Marketing related knowledge/skills:
Integrated Marketing Strategies
Brand Management
Direct Marketing
Product Marketing


English (fluent)
French (advanced)
Spanish (basic knowledge)


Certificates / Diplomas:

Sales Skills I, II, III
Denver and Dallas, USA

Negotiation Skills I, II, III
cepet, Frankfurt, Germany

SL Presentation Skills
Leiden, NL

European Marketing/Sales Strategies
Cranfield, School of Management, Bedford, England

Miller Heiman Sales Methodology
Ian Irving Ltd., London, England


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