Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals

Flexmanager for Interim Managers

By placing your resume on the Flexmanager website you increase your chances of finding an interesting interim project. The Flexmanager service is free of charge, Flexmanager receives its income from a mediation fee charged to the client. Your personal details will be handled with care and will only be used for mediation of interim management projects.

Click here to register now with Flexmanager. After receiving you resume, we will review it and place anonymously (i.e. without your personal details) on the Flexmanager website. When a potential client is interested in acquiring your services we will contact you.

Looking for an interim-assignment.

There are two ways in which interim-managers can make themselves eligible for interim-projects.

1. By placing a resume on Flexmanager website.
After the resume has been placed, potential clients can respond to it via Flexmanager homepage. In order to place a resume the interim-manager must first register himself with Flexmanager. The interim-manager will then be given a username and a password. With the username and the password the interim-manager has a secure section of Flexmanager website at his disposal. He can then set up his resume in this secure section. Resumes are always published anonymously. The interim-manager can alter his data and his resume, or completely remove them at any time. Personal data is only passed on with the permission of the interim-manager concerned.

2. By looking for an interim-project on Flexmanager homepage.
In the section "search for an interim-project" choose the area for which you have a preference and click the search-button. The open interim-projects are displayed by region. You can then select the interim-projects in which you are interested.

The Selection Process

Interim-managers are only introduced to clients after they have been interviewed by Flexmanager. The purpose of the interview is to find out if the profile of the applying interim-manager fits the job-description of the interim-project. If there are sufficient points of contact, the interim-manager will then be introduced to the client.


If the client considers the interim-manager suitable, a contact between the interim-manager and Flexmanager will be drawn up. The contract will have the following fixed subdivisions:

· Description of the assignment
· Duration and planning
· Declaration of confidentiality
· Statement of independence
· Remuneration
· General conditions.

Besides the above-mentioned fixed contractual subdivisions, more detailed agreements can also be established (in the contract). For interim-managers who are not independently established, it is also possible to make an employment agreement for a fixed period of time with Flexmanager. In this case the interim-manager would be in the employment of Flexmanager for the duration of the interim project only.

Remuneration for the interim-manager

Independently established interim-managers who carry out an interim-project for Flexmanager will receive a maximum of 75% of the fee which Flexmanager charges the client. If the interim-manager is not independently established, different percentages apply. Different percentages also apply when the interim-manager is not regarded as being independently established by the tax-authorities and the industrial insurance board.

Guidance for the Interim-Manager

Whilst carrying out an interim-project the interim-manager will receive constant support from Flexmanager. Progress, duration, planning and problems will be periodically reported on via Flexmanager specially developed intranet. The interim-manager is offered quick and adequate support by means of intranet.


Flexmanager aims to provide services which have a high degree of professionalism and are of good quality. Our Interim-managers have proven skills and experience which means that Flexmanager first verifies the introduced resumes before putting them live on the website.


Information entrusted to Flexmanager is put into our files and will remain confidential. All publications on our website are anonymous. Anonymity is only discontinued after consultation and with the permission of the person concerned. You can read more about this in our "Privacy Statement".

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interimmanagementPaste your project description here