Flex Manager
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Work Experience

Until mid Sept. 2001: VP MainControl Central Europe and East, Benelux and North Europe
Start Up, building MainControl from scratch.Achieved YTD 110% of target. The company in Central Europe is locked out
from the territory until January 2002. I am running the territory from Munich. I am the Geschäftsführer of the MainControl GmbH in Munich.
The company is in a start up mode (exits since 1994 and sell products since 1997).
Because of the lock out period, we have no investments at all. We can sell 10% of the product range and even with that and no investment we managed to be on 102%.

01/2000 - 11/2000 Managing Director, Business Objects Switzerland
Full P&L responsibility, achieving Q target with 106%
Growing number of employees from 10-26 Increasing pipeline, stable forecast. Promoted to rstructure and grow Germany in March 2000.

03/2000 - 11/2000 Managing Director, Business Objects Germany, Switzerland and Austria
Full P&L responsibility for €20 Mio. FY 2000 (80) employees. Hired to restructure Germany but top management in USA/France did not allow to change people, which would have been the most essential change to Germany on the road to success.
Overall, the view of changing things was not the same and the company was
Not willing top change at all even the knew it was critical to leave the Organisation as it was.
Achievement when I left: YTD: 105%.

11/1996 - 01/2000 Country Manager Data General AG, Zürich and Lausanne
Full responsibility for P&L, 40 emploeeys, Sales, Marketing and Service Performance FY 1997:125%achieved Million Dollar Club
Country of the Year 1997 Performance FY 1998:130% achieved Million Dollar Club Performance FY 1999:100%, building a new business unit of storage products (CLARiiON). FY 99 had
a few heavy management challenges.
Loss of two sales, service manager and marketing, but we where able to manage to be on target.DG taken over by EMC.

Overall: Restructuring the whole company. Changing from a decreased revenue to growing revenue reduced costs, increasing profits. Productivity growth of
more than 35% year by year. More that 50% new business in the actual FY.Achievement: moving DG Switzerland from a loss of $1’000’000 to a profit of $400’000 in 3 years and delivering 1/3rd of the Euopean profit.

4/1995 - 11/1996 General Manager, RAND Technologies, Wallisellen, CAD Lösungen
Full responsibility for NIBT (Net income before tax), P&L. Performance in Revenue 1994: 0.3 Mio Performance in Revenue 1995: 2.3 Mio. Quta 1996:5.5 Mio, Q1 and Q2 on target
Started the company with 2 people, we are now 8, very well structured.
Moved the company in summer 1994 from St. Gallen to Wallisellen.
RAND Technologies lost the right to sell the main product. As we made 90% of our revenue with that product I had to take a decision.

3/1994 -4/1995 Country Channel Manger, Silicon Graphics AG, Schlieren
Responsible for the VAR and ISV Market Switzerland.
Quota: 8 Mio., achieved 9.7 Mio.
Building up the Channel from 2.8 Mio to 9.7 Mio.

11/1993 -2/1994 Dealer Channel Manager, Compaq Computer, Bassersdorf, wrong decision

6/1990 - 11/1993 Sales SUN Microsystems, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland VAR Channel
First year: Sales Representative I, Quota 4 Mio., made 5.4 Mio.
Second year: Sales Representative II, Quota 7 Mio, made 8.9 Mio.Third year: Channel Manager Switzerland, Quota 19 Mio, made 26 Mio.Responsible for all marketing and Sales action to growth the VAR Channel

SUN Microsystems, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland
Implementation of regular Sales and technical seminars for the VAR and ISV Channel. Implementation of a monthly bases newsletter for VAR and ISVs.Building up from zero a Master Reseller and shifting the VAR Business to the Master Reseller.
Implementation of a renting business together with the Master Reseller.
Responsible for a few commercial direct accounts, such as Ringier, Basler Zeitung etc., helping the VAR Channel to sell into this accounts.

1/1989 - 6/1990 Sales Staff Engineer, Hewlett Packard, Zurich Responsible for education, training and Support of all HP PC Dealers

1/1988 -1/1989 Junior Product Manager for Optoelectronic Components, Bärlocher AG
Responsible for the revenue budget for the whole year. Performance 115%.
Also responsible for the production itself, marketing and Sales


1977 - 1984 Normal, high graduate (Sekundar) school and educated as an electrical workman
4/1985 - 4/1986 Graduation in Business Administration, Dr. Räbers höhere Handelsschule
4/1988 - 4/1989 High graduation in Business Administration, IFKS Zurich
4/1989 - 4/1990 Swiss graduation in Marketing (Marketingplaner mit eidg. Fachausweis)
3/1999 - 7/2000 MBA European University Cham, University of Dallas Master of Business Administration


·Fast thinker, good in adapting to new situations, flexible
·Excellent team player and people motivator, social competence
· Driven by goals and results, driven by bottom line
·Cost effective work approach, structured and disciplined, turn around manager


German, English (French)


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