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Business Consultant / Analyst / Interim Manager

Business Consultant / Analyst / Interim Manager

Work Experience

2006 – May Director and Owner - B.V.
Interim Management and Consultancy – Working on the future in the financial world.


08/09 - 12/09 Fortis Bank Nederland, Amsterdam Internatonal Separation Project, Business Analyst and Deputy Project Manager – Finance Operations. Deployment of T24, Smartstream and Magnitude systems within the new FBN International Network.

09/08 – 01/09 Finance For Development FMO N.V., Den Haag Business Consultant - Reconciliation of the Loan Administration system (ACBS) with the General Ledger system (CODA). Responsible for the physical reconciliation and creating the documentation required to build an automated reconciliation tool.

02/08 – 08/08 Finance For Development FMO N.V., Den Haag Interim Manager Mid-Office
Managed and coached +/- 15 FTE's and deputize for the Director Mid Office.
Analyzed the current business processes and recommended improvements. Introduced the use of the process tool "Protos" to FMO and set up modeling within the Mid Office. Linked the system data in the Loan Admin system (ACBS) and the work procedures to the business processes.

11/07 – 11/07 Saudi Hollandi Bank, Riyadh – Management Consultant – Temenos Model Bank Core.

04/07 – 10/07
Fortis Merchant Bank – Prime Funds Solutions – Prime Brokerage, Amsterdam
Financial lead in a project with the goal to set up a new Prime Broker Business in London. An international project impacting different business units in London, Dublin and Amsterdam. Responsible for setting up the financial structure for the new organisation within the existing Fortis Merchant Bank Prime Funds Solutions organisation and providing solutions for finance related challenges.

01/07 – 03/07
Robeco Rotterdam, Financial Services Centre Banking
Redesign process around the production of the daily P&L.
Transfer the duties and work from Robeco Alternative Investments Department and Risk Management Department to the Financial Services Centre Banking. Write the procedures and instructions and train to the FSCB personnel.

09/06 – 12/06
ABN Amro Bank Amsterdam, Organisation & Process Development Design & Improvement Department. Consulted with the business departments of the bank to design business Process models for Electronic Share Plan application and for SEPA.
Obtained required information via interviews and by facilitating workshops. Documented Process in ARIS and coordinated discussion between business experts and ICT (Business Analysts).

Employment History:

2003 - 2006 Manager Accounting and Control - Akbank N.V.
Reporting to the executive board. Member of MT. Responsible for the daily Financial Administration, General Ledger, Dutch Central Bank reporting. Development and implementation of business processes. Preparation Annual Report. Functional development and maintenance of the management and logical information systems. (Flexcube)

2002 Various assignments on behalf of several companies.
- Advisor to small businesses
- Business process design Rational Unified Process (RUP)

1996 – 2001 Business Consultant, PinkRoccade Finance B.V., Amersfoort
Various national and international assignments (London, Antwerp, Frankfurt and Singapore).
Used Standard Project management methodology Prince2

2000 – 2001 Business Consultant - Designed a new concept - “Innovation Management” - to prioritise project portfolios by linking the projects to corporate strategy
• Balanced Scorecard concepts en own methodology
• Developed and presented marketing presentations

1998 – 1999 Business Analyst - Gave advice and guidance regarding the development and implementation of a "Common Process Model" for Rabobank International.

1998 Business Analyst / Local Project Manager -Prepared the foreign offices of Rabobank International for the introduction of the euro. Responsible for local project management and impact studies (Singapore/Antwerp /Frankfurt)

1997 Business Analyst Supported Sales with implementation and business knowledge Globus software (London)
• Customised Globus for customer demonstrations and presentations
• Worked jointly with Temenos Systems on model office project and implementation

1996 Business Analyst / Local Project Manager Co-ordinated a project within a real estate management organisation which improved the quality and organisation of the financial and administration processes and the automated support of these processes.

1996 – 1996 Business Consultant, Quality Systems Development B.V., Maarssen
• Designed a concept for a general ledger
• Consulted with client with regards to functional specifications

1991 – 1995 Manager Finance and Administration, Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V., The Hague
Responsible for:
• Financial Administration and Reporting Department
• Development and implementation of relevant business processes
• Maintenance of the management and logical information systems
• Implementation of PC Euroclear

1985 – 1991 Management Positions, Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland N.V.

1989 - 1991 Head Office, Foreign Directorate. Authorised Signatory “A”
Responsible for:
• Trade Finance, administration and operations for the foreign directorate
• Automation policy
• Maintenance and implementation of relevant business processes
1988 - 1989 Change Management Zaandam Branch. Authorised Signatory “B”
• Integration of two branches
• Ad - interim Manager Administration
1985 - 1988 Management Information Systems Officer
• Information analysis and Management Information System
• Recording operational en accounting procedures
1981 - 1985 Teamleader, Amrobank N.V., Amsterdam
• Opened and amended import letters of credit (L/C’s)
• Advised and amended export letters of credit
• Implemented computer aided systems and new computer system

1972 - 1985 Financial institutions, Amsterdam and London (Lloyds Bank, Kleinwort Benson, Bankers Trust company and NMB Bank).
• Back-office Corporate banking, treasury and foreign exchange
• Trouble shooter
• Clean Payments
• Nostro Reconciliation


1967 – 1972 Certificate of Secondary Education (Dutch HAVO / VWO)

1972 – 1978 Bachelors Degree (BsC)
ACIB (Associate of The Chartered Institute of Bankers)

The Chartered Institute of Bankers Banking Diploma
Economy, Law, Financial Management, Accountancy, Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange

1986 – 1988 AMBI I1, I2, B1 and T6

2004 NCI – Training Compliance & Anti Money Laundering

2005 – 2006 Refreshed theoretical knowledge of RUP and Prince2


Business Process Design / Redesign, Interim Management Operatonal and Mid Office

• MS Word
• MS Excel
• MS Project
• Lotus 123
• WP

• MS Access
• DataEase
• Foxpro

• FIS2000
• Temenos Globus
• I-Flex Flexcube

• Business Objects
• Protos
• Aris

• Balanced Score Card
• Prince2
• Rational Unified Processes




Dutch CV available upon request.


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