Flex Manager
21217 interim professionals
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Commercieel Manager

Commercieel Manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

FMCG marketing / trade marketing / sales

Senior Commercial Manager in Trade Marketing, Category & Channel Management, Marketing & Sales. Both local and international within FMCG. Across all channels including OOH. Experience in Foods, Personal Care, Pet Food and Non Food.

Last 5 years interim assignments within FMCG within Trade & Customer Marketing, Category& Channel Management and sales. Leading teams to deliver results through focus and connection. Often asked again by clients, have been given very positive reviews. Before that I have worked for 15 years with Unilever, Nestlé and Campina within marketing, category & trade marketing and sales. Currently consulting Blackhawk Network on category management creating a vision for the category by unlocking market data and creating practical insights. I like interim management for it’s speed, variety and dynamics. Meeting new people, new businesses and having the ability to deliver direct value where needed.

Opleiding interimmanager

Business Administration MSc : Erasmus Universiteit
Zenith , Gap
Marketing Communicatie B: SRM

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Strong strategic andanalytical skills. Up andrunning in no time. Very goodcommunicationandinfluencing skills. Translating opportunities into actionable plans. Highly dedicated; gets the job done. Strong connector, inspirator and motivator. Easy going, down to earth, pragmatic, assertive, result oriented, team player and leader, grounded.

Talenkennis interimmanager

Engels / Duits / Frans


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